Core Management Skills and Competencies – Action Orientation

Action Orientation competency : maintaining a sense of urgency to complete a task. An action-oriented person seeks information rather than waiting for it. She makes decisions in a timely manner regardless of pressure or uncertainty, making decisions quickly when called upon to do so and acting decisively to implement solutions and resolve crises. She does not procrastinate. She is tough and assertive when necessary while showing respect and positive regard for others.

Illustrative Behavior 1: Makes timely decisions based on the best available information (e.g., is not overcome by “analysis paralysis”).

Illustrative Behavior 2: Has the confidence to make decisions in uncertain circumstances.

Illustrative Behavior 3: Balances information gathering and analysis activities with an urgency to take action and “drive it forward.”



Illustrative Behavior 4: Tackles problems or conflict head-on; doesn’t procrastinate.

Illustrative Behavior 5: Avoids distraction from less critical activities.

Illustrative Behavior 6: Clarifies priorities and objectives to swiftly accomplish tasks.

Illustrative Behavior 7: Takes the initiative to identify and solve work-related problems.

Illustrative Behavior 8: Coaches others to be decisive.

Illustrative Behavior 9: Checks to ensure priorities and objectives are clear among team members.

Illustrative Behavior 10: Refocuses team members on the “big picture” when they appear to have lost sight of it.


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